You entered www.watchalia.com , owned by Carmen Rivas Muñoz “WATCHALIA”, with company tax code (N.I.F.) 75435116 S and company’s domicile in Torneo 48, 41002 Seville - Spain.
Our customers can buy via Internet watches. That is why WATCHALIA updates regularly all the information about the products and the available offers.
Moreover, information about the properties of semi-precious gems, history and the making-off process of our products can be found in this website. There is also a section to send your opinion.
The use of this website entails the acceptance of the terms and conditions written in the present document. When buying on www.WATCHALIA.com, the company agrees to provide the customer with any information regarding electronic contracts and consumer protection under the Spanish law. Before accepting any electronic contract with us, our customer will be able to read and accept the General Terms and Conditions. If the customer accepts the General Terms and Conditions, it means the understanding and acceptance of its content.
WATCHALIA does not accept any liability for any outdated information regarding the products offered in our website.
Our website may contain links allowing you to leave this site for other sites that are not under the control of WATCHALIA. WATCHALIA shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from access to, or use of, such sites.
These terms and conditions are subject to Spanish law. Any dispute that may arise between customers and WATCHALIA will be resolve in the Court of Sevilla and the customer will waive its own jurisdiction.
WATCHALIA could install cookies (small pieces of information sent by a web server to a web browser) which enable the server to collect information from the browser. Under no circumstances will this information be stored as personal data. Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies, in which case your navigation will not be affected.
If you are not automatically given the option mentioned above, follow the browser instructions to disable these cookies.
In order to use or access certain services, users are required to fill out certain registration forms which necessarily entail the facilitating of certain details of a personal nature. These details will be used to send personalised commercial information about products and services offered by WATCHALIA.
WATCHALIA is responsible for filing the personal data our customers facilitate WATCHALIA through www.watchalia.com. WATCHALIA could use your personal data to send personalised commercial information about products and services offered by this company.
You are entitled to exercise your rights to access, rectification, cancellation and opposition by sending a written communication to this effect to WATCHALIA to the company’s domicile in Torneo nº48 Local 1 (41002) Seville, Spain.